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Limoncello from Scratch

Made commonly on the Amalfi coast and neighbouring islands, the process of Limoncello takes inspiration from a slow Italian Summer. It can’t be rushed, and is best made and enjoyed with friends.


~ Makes 3L limoncello at 38% strength ~

  • 1 litre 95% grain alcohol

  • ~ 15 lemons

  • 750g white sugar

  • 1.5L filtered water


Part 1: Fresh Lemons + Alcohol

  1. Wash the lemons with warm water. Peel the skin using a peeler or a sharp knife, avoiding the white inside part of the lemon. Too much of this will be the final product bitter.

  2. Put the lemon skins into a large jar with the alcohol. Ensure the jar has a lid, and store in a cool place for 4 weeks. Shake the jar once a week.

  3. Over time you’ll notice the alcohol turning a dark yellow color, and the lemon skins turning pale. This is good.

Part 2: Lemon infused alcohol + sugar syrup

  1. After 4 weeks, you’re ready to start part 2. In a large pot bring to a boil 1.5L of water, and add the sugar. Once it’s dissolved set the pot aside to cool.

  2. Once the sugar syrup has cooled, pour the alcohol into the pot with a strainer, ensuring any lemon peels are filtered out.

  3. Take a cup of cold water and add it to the jar with the lemons and swirl it around. Add the water to your pot.

  4. You’re done! The limoncello should be a pale, bright yellow color, and will be ready to drink once cooled. Using a funnel, pour the limoncello into empty glass bottles and leave in the freezer to cool. Thanks to the high alcohol content, it can stay in the freezer without freezing over.

    Best served neat and chilled after a meal. Enjoy! 🍋